How to create a scroll snap effect for a series of WordPress Gutenberg Cover blocks

Creating a scroll snap effect for a series of WordPress Gutenberg Cover blocks involves using CSS with the scroll snap properties. You’ll need to apply CSS to the container that holds your Cover blocks, making it the scroll container, and then apply the necessary scroll snap alignment to each Cover block.

Below is a step-by-step guide to achieving this with custom CSS. This CSS should be added to your theme’s custom CSS section, which can typically be found under Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS in your WordPress dashboard, or if you are using a Block Theme in Styles in the Site Editor.

  1. Define the Scroll Container: First, identify or add a class to the container that holds all the Cover blocks. For this example, let’s assume the container has a class called .cover-block-container. I used the Group Block as the container and applied the class in advanced settings.
   .cover-block-container {
     /* Enables vertical scrolling */
     overflow-y: scroll;

     /* Sets the height to a fixed value or based on the viewport height */
     height: 100vh; /* This will make the container take the full height of the viewport */

     /* Enables scroll snapping */
     scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;
  1. Apply Scroll Snap to Each Cover Block: Next, apply the scroll snap alignment to each Cover block. Assuming each Cover block has a class of .wp-block-cover, you can apply the scroll snap alignment like this:
   .wp-block-cover {
     /* This will align the snapping point at the start of each block */
     scroll-snap-align: start;
  1. Customize to Fit Your Needs: The CSS provided above is a basic example. You might need to adjust the .cover-block-container class name to match your actual container’s class. Also, you might want to adjust the height of the scroll container or the scroll-snap-type property depending on your design needs.

Full Example:

.cover-block-container {
  overflow-y: scroll;
  height: 100vh;
  scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;

.wp-block-cover {
  scroll-snap-align: start;

This will create a scroll snapping effect where each Cover block snaps into place as you scroll through them vertically. Remember to test your website in different browsers to ensure compatibility, as scroll snap support can vary.


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