The Billion Dollar WordPress Idea 🔥

For the past six months, I’ve been walking around with an idea that just won’t leave my head. Everywhere I go, online or offline, it’s there, buzzing in my mind. So, I’ve decided to share it with you. I’m really keen to hear your thoughts, so feel free to drop a comment.

The idea: Imagine a WordPress beginner, someone who has never built a website before, being able to log into their WordPress site and start creating beautiful web pages instantly, with no learning curve. They wouldn’t need to know anything about CSS grid or Flexbox. No adding containers or columns. Just drag and drop elements on the page to design everything. And it’s all built on top of Gutenberg.

Now, before you jump to conclusions, the prototype I’m showing you in the video above isn’t real. I mocked it up using Canva’s website builder. But here’s why this is exciting: Canva has shown us the massive potential of the beginner’s market. They have 150 million monthly users, which is more than twice the UK’s population! In 2023, Canva reported revenue of $1.7 billion and they’re profitable.

Interesting stats, right? Especially for WordPress, which faces a demographic challenge in terms of user age and gender. For instance, 55% of Canva’s users are female, and 34% are between 25 and 34 years old. These are people accustomed to zero learning curve tools.

Now, consider the current state of WordPress page builders. From my perspective, they aren’t really beginner-friendly.

I believe there’s a massive opportunity here. Imagine a product that’s easy to use, like drag and drop, but powered under the hood by Gutenberg. Am I crazy for thinking this could be a game-changer? I need your input. Let me know in the comments if you think I’m onto something, or if I’m just chasing shadows.


One response to “The Billion Dollar WordPress Idea 🔥”

  1. David Boozer Avatar
    David Boozer

    That would be a great idea! I think, slowly WP is getting there, but it is turtle slow. Great video again Jamie, thanks!

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