Club Pootle discord channel

Exciting news!

I’ve just integrated a private discord channel for all existing Club Pootle members 😀

Imagine a virtual clubhouse where you can drop by, chat with friends, share pictures, or even have voice conversations. This clubhouse can have different rooms, each dedicated to specific topics or activities, like one room for sharing book recommendations and another for movie discussions.

Discord is essentially this virtual clubhouse. It’s an online space called a “server,” where people can gather to chat, share, and communicate in various ways. Think of it as a modern chatroom combined with voice and video calling features. People often use Discord for gaming, study groups, hobbies, or just hanging out online. And now Club Pootle members have their own clubhouse where they can ask questions and get help, and help each other. 

Here’s a video that explains how Club Pootle members can access our new channel. 


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