WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) Question and Answer Webinar – Tuesday, June 16th, 4pm (British Summer Time)

Following on from my three webinars (click on the link to see a recording of each webinar) on the new WordPress Block Editor, I’m running a free 45 minute Question and Answer webinar on June 16th at 4pm (British summer time).

Post your question

Please post any Gutenberg related questions in the comment section below this post, and I’ll do my best to answer them during the webinar.

See you next week 🙂



17 responses to “WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) Question and Answer Webinar – Tuesday, June 16th, 4pm (British Summer Time)”

  1. Hi Jamie, I really appreciate your Gutenberg webinars, thanks for this!
    I have some problems with the Super Text -block, related to styling. First is with the fonts, oddly most Google fonts work fine, but Danzing Script (specified by my client) does not appear, instead some other font is implemented. Other script fonts, like Pariesienne work fine.
    I have screenshots, but this form I guess does not take files. You can look at my staging site taronstage.com and specifically the three headline blocks after the product categories, the middle one should be Danzing Script, but is not, the two others are Pariesienne.
    Not a questoin, with high general interest, I suppose, but I am stuck!

  2. When I use image block or cover block, I have the options for left, right or centre align, but not for wide or full width. Why aren’t these showing?

  3. If I have already built some pages with Elementor what is the easiest way to swop them out for Blocks?

    without having to build every page from scratch again

  4. Hi Jamie,
    One of my sites uses an Elementor based theme, which I’m trying to replicate in blocks before expanding the content. I’m having trouble getting different text font/size close to each other. It seems there is no functionality to format text differently within the same block. Is this the case?
    If so, is there a way of reducing the padding to enable 2 text blocks to get close enough to each other vertically as to make it look like they are a continuation?

    I hope that makes sense.


  5. My website, which you set up for me a few years ago, when I came down from York to visit you, uses Canvas and Pagebuilder, and Woocommerce.

    Since the Block Editor came in, I have been happily creating new Pages using it.

    When I create a new Product I find that I have to use the original editor. This hasn’t been a major problem, in that I continue to construct the pages in the same way as the past.

    However, for the first time I need to edit a Page – my Home Page, and I find that I am confronted with a blank page and the Block Editor. There is none of my original page to visible to edit. I don’t want to corrupt my existing pages. Please can you advise me how best to go about it.

  6. Hi Jamie, a few questions, in order of priority for me:

    1) Is it right that if we make changes using CSS, that when a theme updates the CSS changes get discarded / replaced by the theme update? If so, what can I do about this, if anything?

    2) I’d like to duplicate entire pages, but all of the WP Plugins that do this have mixed reviews. Do you have an opinion / recommendation?

    3) You recommended VaultPress for easy site backups on your workshop. It’s now been taken over by JetPack, and since then seems to get very mixed reviews. Do you still recommend? Or have another recommendation?

    4) General recommendations about plug ins to make website accessible to people with disabilities, including visual impairments?

    5) For desktops the advice is often to have alternating images and text, i.e. text right next to image left, followed by image right next to text left. This works well for desktops, but not on phones, where it means you get two blocks of text followed by two blocks of images. Using Gutenberg / Astra is it possible to have a responsive view, so that different devices view in different ways? Or can you recommend specific plug ins etc. to achieve this?

    Thanks, Darren

  7. Hi Jamie,
    Which theme(s) would you recommend in order to take advantage of the full capability of the Gutenberg editor and which would be the most straightforward to transition to? (For example, I’m currently using 18 Tags and it doesn’t seem to allow Cover block images to be full width.)

  8. Hi Jamie
    Have found the 3 webinars very useful
    How do you do about setting up navigation menus and is the a special block for this?
    Also I have a few issues with publishing the page:
    1. Although the full width property appears in Wordress it doesn’t appear when published.
    2. When I publish I get the WordPress favicon showing in the address bar – as does the admin bar from wordpress.
    3. The buttons “Edit is page” and “Edit with Visual Composer” appear on the webpage when published.
    I am using Total theme, which has very been a problem in the past.
    4. Initially I could not get the full width and wide options. I added the following to the functions.php file:
    new WPEX_Theme_Setup;
    * Register support for Gutenberg wide images in your theme
    function mytheme_setup() {
    add_theme_support( ‘align-wide’ );
    and added the following to the css file:
    .entry-content .alignwide{margin-left:-80px;margin-right:-80px}.entry-content .alignfull{margin-left :calc( -100vw / 2 + 100% / 2 );margin-right :calc( -100vw / 2 + 100% / 2 );max-width:100vw}.alignfull img{width:100vw}
    This seemed to solve the problem
    Thanks Norman

    1. +1 for your third point and I use the storefront theme and I get the same thing HOWEVER I think it’s only because I am logged into wordpress I don’t think the general public see it.

  9. Sophie Barraclough Avatar
    Sophie Barraclough

    My website uses your 18tags theme (free version). I don’t seem to be able to edit the look of my posts page at all – I just get a blank screen. Is this how it should be? Do I have to have the paid for version to be able to edit it?

  10. John Morgan Avatar
    John Morgan

    Hi Jamie
    I’d like some guidance of creating membership sites and also directories, I have no project that will require both.

  11. When putting an item in a column which itself is in a section it is almost impossible to then select the columns block. This is because they are all so close together and you sometimes find yourself spending ages just trying to select it. With WPBakery etc the structure is very obvious is there a fix for this in Gutenberg?

  12. When using re-useable blocks, editing such a block and saving it doesn’t seem to then update the other blocks on the page even when the page is updated.

  13. TIP: When updating and viewing the page and then re-updating the loading of the editor each time can take a while.

    The first time you save/update and get the view page message at the bottom of the screen just right click and open in another tab. This was you have two tabs open (editor and actual page being viewed). You just refresh the viewed page when the page is saved and select the editor tab when you need to re-edit. This saves ages when you are constantly tweaking to get something to look right

  14. Tip: If you have a large website built with a page designer such as WPBakery but want to use blocks on the same page you may find your editor has a Gutenberg Block Editor element that can be added into your page builder. Whilst not ideal in the long run it does enable you to start using Blocks on a page without having to change the whole page. WPBakery has such a element and others might have the same.

  15. Hi Jamie,

    1) I have noticed that once I start using the live editor and then revert to the standard block editor, the website layout is not visible and I can only see empty blocks. Is this normal? DO I need to make a choice between using the live editor and the block editor and stick with it?
    2) I have updated to your latest storefront block and the overlay option for the product title is not there. hmmm?
    3) When working with the block editor I often get a red errors bar when Updating. I need to update a few time for this go work and for the “view Page” to appear on the bottom left.
    4) On your Woobuilder Block sample website you have really nice buttons for adding items. I can’t seem to get the same results. How did you get this look and ? http://woobuilderblocks.com/product/dark-brown-jeans/
    5) Is it possible to make the standard drop down for variable products look better. More in like with the look in point 3 above.


  16. Alessandra Vandone Dell'Acqua Avatar
    Alessandra Vandone Dell’Acqua

    would like to show short description instead of name of products in shop page, but cannot find how to.
    Thank you!

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