Want fantastic footers? Meet our newest Canvas Extension… [demo video]

When we launched Canvas Extensions we asked you to vote on which extensions you want to see developed next. To my surprise (but not Jamie’s), Footers came out top:

Screenshot 2014-02-06 17.10.42

So we quickly got to work, planning out the best way to do this for you. Early feedback indicated a preference for as many options as possible in the theme options area, rather than pre-set styles that would still need customization.

The Footer Widget Manager has 15 options each with many variables, creating 1,000s of possibilities to create stunning looking footers. 1,000s of possibilities without getting stuck into code. That’s what Canvas Extensions are all about.

Check out the 5 minute video demo we put together:

We’re going to be using this one ourselves (a lot!) and so hope to do more tutorials featuring some seriously creative footers.

Footer Widget Manager is available from the PootlePress store for $15 (£10).

We’d love to answer your feedback and comments below…


17 responses to “Want fantastic footers? Meet our newest Canvas Extension… [demo video]”

  1. Love it. Your demo is great and has inspired me with all sorts of ideas to help to make my clients sites stand out a bit more.

    Well done and look forward to using it.

    1. Hey thanks Simon!

  2. caroline Avatar


    I downloaded and installed. It returned the error below:

    Warning: Missing argument 3 for wpseo_upgrader_process_complete() in /data/16/3/5/108/3168434/user/3537186/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/inc/wpseo-non-ajax-functions.php on line 259

    1. Hi Caroline, sounds very odd. Can I confirm you are talking about installing the footer widget manager? Are you able to de-activate the wordpress-seo plugin and send a copy of it to nick@pootlepress.co.uk? Thanks

  3. Great plugin! Now you need to do one that allows putting phone, email details in the Header and still work with mobile… Something that is missing for business sites.

    1. Hey, thanks John!

    2. Hey John, we’re definitely think about this. Check out our idea for a Mobile Manager and vote it up! http://pootlepress.uservoice.com/forums/238444-canvas-extension-ideas/suggestions/5489291-mobile-manager

  4. Thanks a lot for creating this website (Pootle Press) as a resource. I have limited skills and I want to get the most out of Canvas. These extensions are fabulous. I am excited that I can design a website to look super professional on a limited budget.

  5. Most excellent… just what I need for my own website just now.

    I am also with John …I need to know how to put phone and email details in the header – easily.
    I have no coding experience… not am I keen to upskill with a million and one other things to be doing so an idiot proof widget is hugely helpful with an explanatory tutorial.

    Thanks guys

    1. Thanks Lesley… we’ll have a think about that one!

    2. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      Hi Lesley,

      In the latest version of Canvas there is a Header widget area that you can add a text widget (phone number) and a subscribe and connect widget.


      1. Lesley Long Avatar
        Lesley Long

        Thanks Jamie… aha clearly not tracked that one down yet… will get on it asap.

  6. stb@trainingacademy.se Avatar

    Looks great. A fix seem to be that if there is a Footer Widget Border of e.g. 1 px in the Canvas setting and 0 px in the extension the Footer Widget Manager settings it will not over-rise the Canvas widget settings.

    1. Hey stb, thanks for this and good spot!! We have already picked up this bug and it’s being fixed as we speak.

      For now, if you want the border not to appear just set it as a the same color as the background it’s on (you probably worked that one out!)

      Cheers, Nick@PootlePress

  7. Hi Nick,
    Can you share the black footer background with us? Save a little time doing it in Pixelmator (which is always a headache for me).

  8. Hi, this extension looks great, I have a question. Can I use this widget as a homepage widget?

    I have this space on this site:


    That is directly below the slider that I am trying to style separately and thought perhaps this would work for me?



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