Style Guide



  • Logo is white Lato Heavy (600 weight) on main red color #ef4832.
  • If not used on the pootlepress red background then font is inside a box with 3px round corners on the pootlepresss red background.

Square logo:

pootle-new-logo 300x300 v2

  • When logo is needed to be used in a square space (e.g. a Twitter profile) then the press can be dropped, so the name is just ‘pootle’

Name: pootlepress

  • always lowercase
  • Please avoid: pootle press, Pootlepress, PootlePress and Pootle Press

Font: Lato

  • Heavy (600 weight) for Logo and headings
  • Lato medium/regular for sub headings and paragraph text
  • Please avoid using different weights of Lato in the same word, sentence or paragraph.


Main brand color (red): #ef4832


Supporting color (pinky/red): #FF6D5A


Call to action color 1 (in contrast to the red): #65AEBF


Call to action color 2 (in contrast to the red): #6ACCFC


Call to action color 3 (in contrast to the red): #C3F27C


Light grey background color: #f0f4f5